Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Very intensive seminar today. Lots of info for starting the process of searching exploring the possibilities of living in Costa Rica.There is a very strong support group here for expatriate residents which gave the seminar (ACRC -.Association of Costa Rica Residents.) They have been in existence for 20 years and help with all phases of rental, purchasing property, legal requirements, and many other services that really make the process manageable and safe.
Have been having a great time meeting people from Germany, Switzerland, Canada, Peru and US. The group here at the Vida Tropical are a lot of fun, and they are my own age. Joe has been here since middle of January and He actually has already purchased 8 acres as an investment. We will be looking atother parcels in that area (the slightly smoking volcano in the background gives one pause, but it is very picturesque. - the pictures he showed us are spectactular.

Other folks have stopped in here who also have found fantastic places just by being here for a while and networking.The Tikos (local nationals) are very friendly and helpful. The roads are a challenge, and there are all the usual 3rd world "inconveniences" but the overall infrastructure is sound the political climate is very stable. They celebrate the anniversary of the disbanding of the army in 1937 and are considered the "Switzerland of Central America" because of their comittment to neutrality.

We went to dinner tonight at a Peruvian Seafood place, a few blocks away - food was wonderful and we enjoyed the company of a young couple from Switzerland who are taking a one year vacation travelling around the world. The Owner of the B& B has invited all of us to his home tomorrow afternoon for a party with other "expats". In the am, Norman who manages the B&B here has offered to take us with him to the farmers' market where he buys the produce and supplies for the week. He also runs a small restaurant as well as preparing our very hearty breakfast. No pictures yet, Haven't been out of the city, and haven't had time to film.

We are looking at the Pacific coast (West) side of the country next week in the area Joe bought. The land parcels run $22K up. He showed us pictures of a couple of $15000 homes that had been built on parcels near his - brand new and very nice, but quite small. Just fine for me , with a workshop/studio added. Dirt roads and electric are in place, telephone to come.

Lots more places to see --